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The Luddite

An Anticapitalist Tech Blog

A Revolution for the Perplexed: A Review of "Blockchain Radicals"
January 2025
A kitten holding onto a rope, with the words 'hang in there' written beneath. in the bottom right is einstein's face. the background is red with a bunch of equations written over it. for my screenreader friends, i'll explain the joke: it's a reference to how, in this post, i compare the book's use of deleuzian philosophy to using einstein's relativity to explain a simple fall.

Source images here and here.

This is a review of Joshua Dávila's Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It in 2 parts. The first critiques the book's approach to argumentation. It is, if you like, a theory of the book. The second part looks at Dávila's own Breadchain Cooperative as an example of the theory put into practice.

Part 1: Is theory software for humans?

Inside Joshua Dávila's Blockchain Radicals, there lives a better, much shorter book, maybe titled A Leftist's Guide to Crypto. I would have many quibbles with that book, but Dávila both knows and explains crypto very well. I have no doubt that he is an exceptional developer, or that his politics are sincerely held and, in the end, not too dissimilar from mine. Because of this latter point, I hesitated to write this review. Ultimately, I decided to do so because I get the sense (or, at least, I hope) that tech workers are developing a nascent class consciousness. Historically, we in tech have preferred to think of ourselves as one lucky break away from founding a unicorn, but more and more of us are realizing that, actually, we are one misfortune away from poverty. Tech workers have consistently allied with capital to degrade working conditions, like in so-called gig work. For those looking for an alternative application of our skills, Blockchain Radicals might open an appealing route to get involved in socialist politics because, as I'll soon argue, it does political theory the way that developers write software. The book pairs in-depth and sophisticated discussions of technical systems with facile, even nonsensical interrogations into social and political theory. Were I not a software developer myself, I might have assumed that there are two authors: one a strong technical writer, and another who does not understand the subject matter or how to engage with it. This review is an intervention directed at this mode of thinking.

The introduction frames the book as an attempt to correct what is, for Dávila, the left's unfair and ultimately self-limiting conception of crypto as intrinsically right-wing. "Critique Economy" writers, he argues, in their efforts to "enshrine themselves as gatekeepers of what constitutes appropriate left-wing endeavours and resources," have fallen for a trap to "keep the left out of the sphere of influence, limiting its capacity to decide on the direction that this new technological space should take."

A typical writer of the Critique Economy attacks "techno-determinism", the idea that progress in "technology" is the key to society's development as well as its cultural values, making it the main agent of societal change. Optimistic techno-determinism is usually what is called upon by Silicon Valley elites to justify pushing more and more technological solutions, with the presumptions that “improving” technology helps progress society and therefore leads to more progressive outcomes [...] Pessimistic techno-determinism as a counterclaim has emerged largely on the left after promises about technology leading us to more fulfilled and prosperous lives have repeatedly failed. [...]

This book is not techno-deterministic in either direction [...] The advancement of new technology is not the only agent for political change, but we cannot separate it away neatly from our social relations, especially in a world where so many of these social relations are mediated by the advanced and complex infrastructure that makes up the Internet. Ultimately, social movements are what lead to political change, but technology has always been important for movements — without the printing press, many important ideas would never have been spread [...] How much agency is recognised and how it is used is what tips the scales for or against the public benefit. I would name this position and framework as "techno-probabilism". Techno-probabilism is a framework for thinking critically about the potential futures enabled by a particular technology given certain conditions and uncertainties.

Those of us who spend a lot of time online probably recognize this argument structure. Similar to saying that we need neither growth nor degrowth, neither patriarchy nor feminism, or neither capitalism nor socialism, these arguments often display the author's ignorance of one or both positions. It's a sort of false dialectic: It presents a thesis, then a caricature of the antithesis, finally resulting in a synthesis that is not a new idea, but a diluted rearticulation of the actual (as opposed to caricatured) antithesis.

In this case, the "pessimistic techno-determinism" claim is a strawman. Take, for example, Molly White, probably crypto's single biggest critic. She is both a software developer and frequent contributor to Wikipedia. This is not the work of a pessimistic techno-determinist, but of a sophisticated technologist navigating the complex intersection of social relations and technology. If she, and others like her (I include myself here), have taken a negative stance on crypto, that merits serious treatment. The book doesn't engage with these critics or the various frameworks that they expound, like, for example, Luddism. Had it done so, it could have avoided some of its most egregious analytical errors. Instead, it takes a defensive posture, dismissing them all in the introduction and rarely looking back.

Most of the book is structured around what are, for Dávila, 3 incorrect but increasingly more useful ways of thinking about crypto: crypto as money, crypto as finance, and crypto as coordination. Referencing Deleuze's critique of representational thinking in Difference and Repetition, he argues that most people's understanding of crypto is trapped within these frameworks. I don't disagree, and I found this to be a productive organizational scheme, but using Deleuze to explain this idea is like referencing Einstein's general relativity to explain why you slipped and fell: It's not necessarily wrong, but it's overpowered and not particularly salient. You can easily explain this without Deleuze, as I did.

Normally, I would let this slide, but he does this often, and it's crucial to understanding the book. He frequently starts his arguments by introducing a big idea — Deleuze, art, housing justice, cybernetics, climate change, international economic coordination — only to carelessly bat it around for a few paragraphs like a bored cat. Then, instead of napping in a sunny window, he returns to the familiar routine of describing crypto projects in detail, which, again, he does quite well. Here's a quick, inconsequential example, just to illustrate what I mean. I chose it because it's uncharacteristically short and its self-evident absurdity requires no further comment:

It might be strange for those who do not work in the arts to think that art has much influence in their lives. After all, if you’re not an artist, participating in art is usually seen as something that only those with certain privileges are able to do, as if it’s only some sort of rarefied, elitist endeavour. It is important however to bear in mind the influence that various artistic movements have had on political movements, also (and especially) among the disempowered. It is perhaps an understanding of the disruptive political power of art that has made it a target for elite capture, an attempt to corral the pesky imaginations of those who would gain from reimagining a world without those elites. Any art that can be seen as being influenced by or created for the masses is commonly referred to derisively as “low art” by those who see themselves as part of the more exclusive “high art” scenes.

It's a lot easier to make these messes than to clean them up, which makes this a challenging post to write. With that in mind, in part 1, I will focus on 3 excerpts, which I will reproduce almost in their entirety. Blockchain Radicals is not a short book, and, given its idiosyncrasies, there's no way to exhaustivley rebut it, nor is that my intention. My excerpts will not be a representative sample. Instead, because I have seen this book title bouncing around in my circles, and have noticed leftists becoming more crypto-curious, my goal is to point out its structural deficiencies such as to cast doubt on the soundness of the project. I want to reiterate that much of the book, especially the technical parts, is well researched and well written, and Dávila brings an impressive knowledge of crypto to the project. On the other hand, for every excerpt that I critique here, I have several more that it pains me to leave out.

In June 2022, Nathan Schneider published an article in Noema titled “How We Can Encode Human Rights in the Blockchain”, where he warns of just such a dystopian future of human rights abuses that could be enabled with the advent of decentralised, autonomous systems on blockchains.22 He notes, however, that while human rights enforcement goes against the usual crypto story focused on immutability and censorship resistance for largely non-progressive reasons, these properties can also be used for “a new layer of global social contracts, in which human peers, more than territorial governments, are the protagonists”. He warns against appeals to neutrality, as this is an unachievable property for a technological system. Code is a digital instantiation of politics. “To be neutral on human rights is in fact a choice not to consider human rights. Neutrality is an implied refusal, a missed opportunity, a failure of imagination.”

[a few more paragraphs]

Albeit utopian for some, as a way to imagine a different world where we leverage blockchains to enshrine housing as a human right, I proposed the housing right token. Using the example of Mario and Luigi living in the Mushroom Kingdom (let’s assume it’s actually an on-chain liquid democracy and not a monarchy), each citizen is able to spend their one housing right token on one available housing unit in a community in which there is enough housing for everyone. The smart contracts that encode the housing right tokens also have certain parameters based on the needs of the specific person. For example, since Mario is a single father with a child to care for, he is entitled to a house with two rooms, while Luigi, being a single man, is entitled to a one-bedroom house or to live with roommates if he prefers. While there are plenty of details left out in this proposal, we can’t write the recipes for the cookshops of the future, this is meant to be illustrative of the potential that progressives can fight for. Using a blockchain as one component to enforce housing rights for all is a way to reverse the current relationship with many new technologies forced upon us today. It’s the creation of a resilient feedback control system that is decentralised and autonomous in the ways that it needs to be and that seeks to make human rights anti-fragile.

To call this idea underbaked would be misleading, because the dough isn't even assembled. In some ways, this is an uncharitable choice of excerpt, because the technical part is uncharacteristically weak, and there are many examples in the book featuring quite sophisticated crypto schemes, but, ultimately, that complexity is only a distraction from the structural problem that we'll see repeated throughout: We get some big ideas about, in this case, housing and human rights, then an associated crypto scheme, but that crypto scheme has no real tie back to those big ideas.

To zoom in on how weak these threads of argumentation tend to be, here's another excerpt. This is a section titled "Expanding Democratic Expression," reproduced almost in its entirety, meaning that there is no additional context that helps it make sense. Note that it mentions DAOs, but all you need to know is that they're a kind of organization whose core governance functions are defined on and mediated through blockchain operations:

Stafford Beer coined the term “POSIWID” — or, the "purpose of a system is what it does." It’s a basic starting point for cyberneticians to see through what may be good intentions, expectations or moral judgements about a system to the system’s concrete functions. When we observe situations like the growing influence of money on politics in the US, with the average federal politician becoming wealthier and the average citizen poorer, or the re-election of Emmanuel Macron in France when surveys show that nearly half of those who voted for him were voting against his far-right rival Marine Le Pen and not in direct support of his policies, or the 2020 US presidential elections, it’s clear that the purpose of the political system of liberal capitalism is not to respond to most people’s needs or preferences. Understanding adaptability and purpose through a cybernetics lens, it’s easy to see that nation states have largely not been answering the needs of average citizens in recent history, and that their purpose is in fact to support wealthy elites and ingrain their power while making the capitalist system adaptable to threats from the average citizens, i.e., the working class.

With the recent rise of populism of various stripes, it’s clear that the feeling that something is deeply wrong with current political and governmental institutions is shared by many on opposite ends of the political spectrum. If we think of the systems already in place as a feedback control system that can be steered towards outcomes and conditions that are more desirable and equitable, the first thing that would need to happen is for those who have the same goal of changing this system to be able to recognise each other so that coordinating can begin [emphasis added]. In one of the most well-known coordination games developed by economist Thomas Schelling in The Strategy of Conflict, you are asked to meet a stranger in New York City but are not allowed to communicate with them directly. When and where would you decide to try and to meet this person? In his study, he found that the most common answer was noon at Grand Central. This concept, the time and place that a majority predict others to be at given a particular set of conditions, is called a “Schelling point”.

Zuccotti Park was a Schelling point for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn were Schelling points for those who believed in their policies of reducing the influence of capital on politics and the economy in the US and the UK respectively. This book is possibly a Schelling point for those who believe there is something wrong with the current state of capitalism and are curious to explore blockchains as a useful way for achieving collective liberation.

Gitcoin, the public goods funding platform mentioned in the previous chapter, considers Ethereum to be a “Schelling point for the hopeful”, and Gitcoin itself to be a Schelling point for regens in the cryptocurrency space. They have hosted several Schelling point events during large Ethereum events in various cities around the world where speakers, some of whom would consider themselves to be regens, share their thoughts and experience from their own endeavours and speak to others who are curious or looking to take part in similar projects.

[2 paragraphs explaining some stuff that Gitcoin has done, like "quadratic funding"]

[4 more similar paragraphs to the previous one, but describing "conviction voting," and "liquid democracy" instead of "quadratic funding"]

The truth is, the crypto space is a breeding ground for many new democratic mechanisms that have never been tried before, many of them near impossible to try without something like a blockchain. In the framework of a feedback control system, these new voting mechanisms allow for a more expressive measurement to be taken of people’s preferences so that the rest of the feedback system can act accordingly with new information. [emphasis added]

Here's an outline of what's happening, so that I can refer to the separate points by number.

  1. Introduce POSIWID
  2. Current government systems are bad in a POSIWIDian sense
  3. The rise of populism shows that many people of diverse political orientations agree that something is wrong
  4. To change the system, those people need to find each other
  5. Introduce Schelling point, a place where people who can't communicate with each other can find each other
  6. Zucotti park was a Schelling point Occupy Wall Street; Sanders and Corbyn campaigns were Schelling points anticapitalists
  7. Gitcoin considers Ethereum a Schelling point for people who want to do good things
  8. Description of stuff Gitcoin did
  9. Crypto makes democratic stuff possible that can't be done without a blockchain

First, the concept of POSIWID adds nothing to the analysis. Starting at 3 would leave the argument, such as it is, intact, once again showcasing Dávila's conceptual profligacy. 3, then, is a sort of problem statement, and 4 is the vague and dubious transition to crypto, which I bolded in the original text. In one single sentence, we gloss over the entirety of how social change happens. What does it mean to recognize each other? More importantly, what is stopping these people from communicating? Something must be; otherwise the jump to 5 makes no sense, since Schelling points are where people who cannot communicate try to meet. Even if we grant that something is keeping them from communicating, point 6 doesn't follow, because we know for a fact that participants of Occupy Wall Street and supporters of those campaigns are part of a pre-existing web of communication, through shared news sources and social media. Gitcoin's claims in 7 are equally confusing, since they presumably wrote this literally in a communication to people, making it just a regular meeting point, not a Schelling point. 8 is just a description of stuff Gitcoin did, and the tie back to the problem statement is, at this point, severed several times over.

I want to drill down further on that bolded section in the second-to-last paragraph as an example of how this argument breaks down on multiple scales, almost always at the connection between crypto and stated social goals. Consider this language: "many of them near impossible to try without something like a blockchain." "[M]any" means that the claim only applies to some of the items, and "something like" renders it meaningless. Even attempts to evaluate it with other evidence in the text don't help. If you consider the three examples that he provides in text (conviction voting, liquid democracy, and quadratic funding), it becomes clear that "something like blockchain" means some kind of computation/information system, not even necessarily a computer, but maybe just pen and paper (as tedious as that would be). If all you have is a blockchain, everything looks like a DAO.

Here's the last excerpt, after which we'll start to tie things together:

Those who are more familiar with the traditional cooperative world still may not be convinced by crypto projects that call themselves cooperatives, feeling they are not living up to the true meaning of the term. This is a long-standing conflict within the cooperative movement. There are those who want to be more restrictive about what is called a cooperative and others who think this is holding the cooperative movement back and is why it has not grown as much as it should have. Trebor Scholz, one of the most prominent academics on cooperatives and the creator of the term platform cooperatives, has this to say about the crypto world’s growing interest in cooperatives:

"Many businesses have been eager to adopt the label of 'cooperatives' or 'community-owned businesses' in recent years. However, without corresponding economic and educational support, these proclamations are little more than empty gestures. True social enterprises are built on a foundation of democratic values and principles, with a commitment to giving workers a voice in decision-making and ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Without this commitment, businesses will quickly revert to their old ways of doing things. So, while it is heartening to see more businesses in the crypto space adopting the label of 'co-ops', we must also push for them to put their money where their mouth is and make the necessary investments in economic and educational support. Only then will we see lasting change."

Based on my own observations over the years, there is a significant number of people working in the DAO space with sympathies towards anti- and post-capitalist political tendencies, even if they don’t feel like they have a mastery of all the seemingly difficult to grasp concepts and jargon, or don’t necessarily embrace words like anarchist, socialist or communist. So why are so many people becoming seduced by the promise of DAOs? My theory is that the concept of DAOs represents a potential to decentralise one of the most centralised aspects of most people’s lives — the workplace.

What’s interesting about many definitions of DAOs is how closely they brush up against collectivist tendencies and the political goals of community-ownership, transparent governance and direct democratic organisation, all of which are relevant for the left. However, while DAOs are an interesting, novel tool for coordinating over digital space, they don’t have a clear political movement behind them to define the trajectory. There are seeds of a politics that is interested in decentralisation in one form or another, but this lack of clear political messaging is a reason why it’s been so easy for Silicon Valley venture capitalists to co-opt DAOs through what gets dubbed the “Ownership Economy”. This means that for many people, the first time they are exposed to the term is through the lens of venture capitalism. This makes it difficult for more progressive-minded people to take the idea seriously when these types of attempts only seek to give a “feeling of ownership” rather than ownership itself.

While DAOs are difficult to define concretely, cooperatives seem to be a good fit for what many well-meaning people would like DAOs to be if they are truly meant to be a real alternative to work in the current system. DAOs are not inherently cooperatives, but they can be adapted to cooperative principles. In 2021, half of the tech workforce expressed interest in joining a union and a new record for tech worker unions formed was achieved. Additionally, many technologists quit their Big Tech jobs for DAOs, having perhaps misunderstood them as being the same as cooperatives. People are looking for new ways to relate to their work, and the left should also be occupying this space to help explicate and maintain standards to be expected as worker-owners, and the cultural expectations in autonomous organisations.

This passage is one of many that completely glosses over what should've been the book's core project: Why, despite all evidence to the contrary, is blockchain useful for the left? That the right captures and redirects people's innate, pro-social, even revolutionary tendencies in ways that ultimately solidifies its power is well-trodden territory, which comes with all sorts of the big heavy concepts with which he was so forthcoming elsewhere, only to be found wanting when he could actually use one. Instead, we get this simplistic analysis about labels and a potentially protosocialist concept decentralization, leading to a prescription that the left ought to get involved with DAOs so that we can reach these people.

Dávila is right that these people belong in our coalition. Almost everyone does. That's the whole point of socialism. He doesn't actually present an argument that DAOs are a valuable tool for the left. Instead, he both says and somehow misses that the political movement behind DAOs is capital, which has found DAOs to be an effective tool to siphon energy from the socialist project. Dávila undertakes no serious effort to understand why, which we will do in part 2, instead blaming the leftist commentariat for its "lack of clear messaging." The left's messaging, however, has been quite clear, and, as we'll soon see, Dávila's own Breadchain Cooperative provides corroborating evidence for its thesis.

For now, consider how he approaches the definition of cooperative in that passage. Despite what "well-meaning people would like," cooperatives are well defined: One member, one vote. They are democratically controlled by their members. As we'll see in part 2, Breadchain Cooperative claims to be exactly that, literally using those very words, but its members' voting power is defined by how much they buy in. A democracy in which you can buy more votes is a farce. This is a "long-standing conflict" in the way that a forgery is in conflict with the original.

This is dishonest, even fraudulent, but I argue that Dávila does not intend to deceive. To understand, we must take a detour to examine the act of software production, something that both he and I do for much of our waking life, and the conditions under which we do it.

We talk about writing software as writing software, but this is an antiquated misnomer, left over from the early days. It would be more accurate to say that modern software is assembled. The vast majority of software is pre-written. If I had to give a conservative estimate, I'd say that, in any software product, 99.9% of the software that it contains is third party "dependencies" and only .1% is custom. This is probably too conservative by at least an order of magnitude.

For the simplest possible example of what that looks like, here is a python script that prints a random integer between 1 and 10:

  from random import random
  my_number = random()
  my_number =  round(my_number * 10)

For computers, generating random numbers is hard. We technically refer to them as "pseudo-random," because, in reality, they're algorithmically generated. Thankfully, none of that matters for our script, because someone else already took care of it and made a package called "random," which we can simply import. I just have to know how to use it to do what I want to do, so I went to the docs, and I saw that the very first function they list, called "random," gives you a random number between 0 and 1. To call that function, I import the "random" function from the "random" module, multiply the result by 10, then round it to the nearest integer. That works.

Now consider the structure of Dávila's arguments. As we've seen, they tend to start by importing big ideas, but he doesn't engage with them; he uses them. In just the few examples in this post, we've seen him do this for Deleuzian philosophy, art, housing access, POSIWID, cybernetics, Schelling point, and cooperatives. To use these ideas, he doesn't need to understand them in the same way that I didn't have to understand pseudo-random number generation (or rounding, or even multiplication, if you really think about it). He just picks the piece that matters to him, pulls it out, and uses it to argue what he wants, which is that blockchains are useful for the left. Unfortunately, the attributes of, say, a cooperative can't be individually imported in the same way as the modules of a software library. This way of using, creating, and redefining ideas until they suit your code is common practice in software, as we've discussed before. When you write software, you're the ultimate arbiter of how a term is defined. Consider what it means to "rideshare" today versus pre-Uber, or to "match" with someone now compared to pre-Tinder dating.1

Similarly, recall the way that Dávila dismisses his critics. When you set out to write code, you have a goal in mind. When I wanted to generate a random number between 1 and 10, had I come across a library that printed random names of fruit, I would have simply disregarded it. Using it wouldn't make any sense. If, after the search, I couldn't find a library that suited my needs, I'd have to write my own. Dávila's research, I suspect, set out to find things to prove that the left should care about blockchain. He was looking for tools, not to understand. He only engaged with what he found insofar as it served that end, and he simply disregarded that which wasn't useful to him. When he couldn't find existing packages to his liking, he wrote his own: "techno-probabilism."

Software is teleological. You have a goal, and the code is a set of steps that arrive at your desired result, which is an outcome of the design process and entirely open-ended. Theorizing, on the other hand, isn't less or more logical, but it's different. It's often dialectical, but it doesn't have to be. Code executes on a computer, which grounds it in math and physics. Conversely, that you can make arguments in human language and have it mean anything at all is miraculous and itself the subject of theorizing since, at least, Plato and Aristotle.

Even the way that he laid out the book, which I complimented at the beginning, fits this pattern. Organizing writing is hard, and a lot of books get it wrong. Organizing huge, complex flows of logic is a core task of software developers, so it's not surprising to me that he did that well. If you look at the structure, and squint only a little, you might argue that it's objected-oriented, like most modern code, and there are three main classes: money, finance, and coordination. The chapters are then subdivided into relatively short sections, much like a class might have methods. This is not that common in long-form writing, but it's how almost all code I write is organized. Sometimes, in these sections, he "imports" a big concept like POSIWID, but then, in other sections, he reasons in very non-POSIWID ways. This suggests a concept of "scope": In code, packages imported into one section live in that section's scope and won't affect another.

In the most general sense, we all do this, but it's easier to notice in others than in ourselves. Thinking, like most things, takes practice, and if you mostly practice one way of thinking, that's how you'll think. The truly devout, for example, can only understand the world through their religion. It's not only a question of belief, but of patterns of thought totally alien to the nonbeliever. They had to learn both how to think that way and how to avoid thinking in other ways. This took practice and training.

Here's Philip Agre, an AI researcher writing about his own thinking before what he calls his "awakening":2

I can now see that [the pattern in which Agre thought] is indeed inescapable if one's ideas about concepts and evidence and learning are constrained by the ensemble of technical schemata that operated in the discourse and practice of AI at that time. But fifteen years ago, I had absolutely no critical tools with which to defamiliarize those ideas -- to see their contingency or imagine alternatives to them. Even worse, I was unable to turn to other, nontechnical fields for inspiration. As an AI practitioner already well immersed in the literature, I had incorporated the field's taste for technical formalization so thoroughly into my own cognitive style that I literally could not read the literatures of nontechnical fields at anything beyond a popular level. The problem was not exactly that I could not understand the vocabulary, but that I insisted on trying to read everything as a narration of the workings of a mechanism [emphasis added]. [...] I believe that this problem was not simply my own -- that it is characteristic of AI in general (and, no doubt, other technical fields as well).

Here he is post-awakening, describing the experience of talking to others in his field:

When I tried to explain these intuitions to other AI people, though, I quickly discovered that it is useless to speak nontechnical languages to people who are trying to translate these languages into specifications for technical mechanisms. This problem puzzled me for years, and I surely caused much bad will as I tried to force Heideggerian philosophy down the throats of people who did not want to hear it. Their stance was: if your alternative is so good then you will use it to write programs that solve problems better than anybody else's, and then everybody will believe you [emphasis added].

It's easy to see Breadchain Cooperative in that bolded section. Dávila does not engage with the leftist consensus on crypto because he hasn't had this critical awakening. He finds his critics frustrating because he thinks that Breadchain is what leftists want, and he's tired of being scolded by what he sees as his own side. He is, after all, out here doing the work, building the world they claim to want, and all they can do is find reasons to complain. As we'll see in part 2, the reality of Breadchain is that, like in his arguments, the technical system he created is unmoored from any new, big ideas. Instead, he recreated the thing that he thinks he critiques, but he lacks the critical capacity to evaluate it as such.

This, finally, is the message that I want to send my fellow developers through this review, especially those just starting their journey of political awakening: Being radical means thinking radically different. It's not a question of simply discarding old labels and donning new ones. It will be uncomfortable and unfamiliar, but, when you get it, it will be fun, rewarding, almost intoxicating. If you think that finally finding that one bug was satisfying, you're going to lose your goddamn mind when you suddenly understand a text that changes how you think. Here's Agre, one last time, explaining his early experiences with that feeling:

I still remember the vertigo I felt during this period; I was speaking these strange disciplinary languages, in a wobbly fashion at first, without knowing what they meant -- without knowing what sort of meaning they had. Formal reason has an unforgiving binary quality -- one gap in the logic and the whole thing collapses -- but this phenomenological language was more a matter of degree; I understood intellectually that the language was "precise" in a wholly different sense from the precision of technical language, but for a long time I could not convincingly experience this precision for myself, or identify it when I saw it.

Part 2: Garbage in, garbage out

Breadchain, for Dávila, is "a post-capitalist economy within the confines of present-day capitalism." The technical infrastructure is supposed to act as a "membrane" between it and the outside world. Reasonable minds might disagree on how useful it is to think of, say, cooperatives as islands of socialism within capitalism, but technical infrastructure, on its own, cannot make those islands. It could, potentially, facilitate solidarity and organizing, but, as we'll see, Breadchain does not. To be clear, I am not arguing that making these kinds of ecosystems is necessarily bad, rather that, as Breadchain's theoretical grasp of its stated goals is hopelessly confused, so too is its praxis.

To explain how it works, I'll be drawing mostly from the detailed and well written explanation found in the book, but I quote here from a blog post on their site for length:

To participate, all you need is some DAI [note: a "stablecoin" whose value is "soft-pegged" at 1 USD; more later] and MATIC on Polygon [note: definitions don't matter for us] and you can start using the application. The application is a smart contract on Polygon that forwards Crowdstakers' DAI into an interest generating Aave lending pool. 100% of the generated interest gets sent to the Breadchain Cooperative which is controlled democratically by its members [emphasis added]. In return for giving DAI, Crowdstakers mint (bake) our token, BREAD, as collateral in the same quantity as they gave in DAI. The BREAD token then acts as a digital “local” currency for the Breadchain ecosystem. Digital as in crypto and local not as in geographic locality, but in shared values around cooperativism. Similar to a local currency, it is intended to keep value within the defined locality.

Crowdstakers can burn their BREAD token to receive an equal amount of DAI back. In this way, Crowdstakers are not donating any of their DAI [emphasis added] but are instead giving Breadchain permission to take the interest generated on their DAI and use it to fund the operations and future projects from Breadchain.

Here it is outlined and illustrated:

The substantive description is below in the bulleted list, but to that, I'll add that the people are illustrated as 3 stick figures. the projects are in a pink cloud, represented inside as small black circles. the rest of the things in the flowchart are squares of different colors: purple, orange, blue, and green.

As far as I can tell, there is no publicly available information on the process by which projects are added or removed, but here is the list of member projects, along with their descriptions, taken directly from Breadchain's site in early January 2025:

DAI is a so-called "stablecoin," meaning that its value is, as their whitepaper explains, "soft-pegged" to USD. They accomplish this with complex financial instruments involving over-collateralized loans and blockchain smart contracts, the details of which are discussed in the whitepaper. In the book, Dávila says that DAI is "pegged" to USD, but I prefer DAI's own language of "soft-pegged." This was probably just intended as a harmless simplification, but the nature of the relationship is qualitatively different: BREAD is pegged to DAI mainly because you exchange DAI to get BREAD, and you can always cash it back out. DAI is pegged to USD through an elaborate scheme of financial machinations, not a reserve of USD that DAI owners can claim. We have not begun to discuss Breadchain Cooperative itself, but the foundation upon which the entirety of the project rests, since the project depends on the value of DAI twice over: For Breadchain to work, DAI must both maintain its value and be desirable enough to loan out with interest.

Atop the foundation, then, is Breadchain's structure, which is not unlike how many kinds of financial endowments, foundations, impact investment funds, and grant-making organizations work: There are some investments, and a governance structure decides how to spend the proceeds to further the organization's goals. Crucially, in Breadchain's governance structure, buying more BREAD gives you more votes in how the proceeds are spent. This is exactly how shareholders vote in actually existing capitalism, even though it's on this side of the membrane. As we've already discussed, this is by definition not a cooperative, but is substantively similar to many kinds of non-cooperative philanthropic organizations. It should be called "Breadchain Foundation."

screenshot of the link in the description. it's a table of different owners of BREAD, and it shows what % of bread they own. from top to bottom, here are the ones shown in the screenshot: 28.45%, 7.05%, 6.24%, 3.74%, 3.12%, 3.12%.
According to coincarp.com, one account owns almost 30% of all BREAD. Whoever it is gets to single-handedly allocate 30% of funds, assuming 100% voter turnout.

Now, we must ask the obvious question: If Breadchain is structurally similar to many existing organizations, why even use blockchain? From the book:

The revolution will not be funded by the current rulers of the economy, but if we are going to try to live with the contradictions inherent to building the new in the shell of the old, funding during this awkward stage will certainly not come from the state-regulated banking sector. Only by creating bonds of solidarity and networks of mutual aid for cultivating dual power will we reach true economic democracy and freedom, and doing that will likely include engaging with some parts of shadow banking in a strategic fashion. BREAD is not a governance token like a stock in a company or some other speculative financial product [emphasis added], and it is not just a stablecoin. It is a form of economic expression that shows support for a vision of post-capitalism.

First, that bolded section of the explanation is misleading, if not entirely indefensible: BREAD buys you control over how proceeds are allocated, can be sold on a secondary market, and its value depends on the stability of complex financial machinations. It's not exactly the same, but it's damn close. The main difference, this "form of economic expression," is vibes, or, to put it in marketing terms, it's a branding exercise. Recall that, for Dávila, "well-meaning people" wanting Breadchain to be a cooperative made it so. Here we see a similar, vibes-based theory of revolutionary praxis. The supposed radical nature of the project lives in exactly 2 places: the marketing copy, and the hearts of the individuals. In the actual structure of the project, it is notably absent.

Setting that aside for now, Dávila also argues that the blockchain's alegality is its tactial advantage. In reality, the blockchain offers little to no meaningful protection, but comes at great cost. There is, of course, the aforementioned risk inherent to tying the work of generations (as the socialist project is) to crypto shenanigans. More relevant to his argument, if BREAD ever truly had revolutionary potential, the state would try to shut it down, one way or another. Blockchain's alegality is a fiction born of its current alignment with power.

This is true for all activist organizations, but BREAD is particularly exposed to reactionary forces for at least 2 reasons: First, actual revolutionary organizations work to build power, but what is Breadchain's equivalent of a strike? How do BREAD-holders extract concessions from power? BREAD has no leverage, no way to make demands or negotiate. Second, all coordination on blockchains is, by its nature, exposed to capital. The book somehow argues that this is an advantage:

[O]ne of the biggest differences between DAOs and other types of systems, including political systems, is that DAOs are generally more legible. When the field of action and possibility for your organisation is defined by smart contract code, your governance surface is clear. What is governable in the code is the governance surface. In many of our traditional political systems, there is often an official governance surface for citizens, like voting for the least bad candidate in an election every few years who then gains access to a much wider governance surface of the system to theoretically govern in their constituents’ interests. This is a set-up which has failed to respond equitably to any number of ongoing crises. While voting may be the official channel for enacting change, in most liberal democracies, large financial donations to political parties and candidates are often the most productive channel. The issue with this channel is that it is largely only accessible to those wealthy individuals and corporations that have the capital to exploit it. While DAOs don’t inherently remove this channel, code does facilitates a clear laying out of the governance surface so that the existence of such channels can be readily identified.

As an aside, revolutionary organizations are not known for their transparent operations. Leaving that and addressing his point directly, he argues that liberal democracies allow capital to have an "unofficial" channel for governance, but the solution cannot possibly be to turn that unofficial channel into an official one, transparent or otherwise. Because Breadchain's governance is on the blockchain, there exists an amount of money that would be sufficient to collapse the value of BREAD, gain control of voting, or otherwise disrupt its operations with clever financial maneuvers. That Breadchain uses a liquidity pool to protect BREAD from speculation acknowledges this risk, but anyone who can outspend the liquidity pool could disrupt BREAD circulation. They're rookies playing on capitalism's turf. Even if it weren't ideologically confused, it is tactically inexplicable.

Because Breadchain redwashes what are mundane capitalist modes of governance and operation, it has a parasitic relationship to socialist organizing. It is functionally identical to the DAOs backed by venture capital that Dávila criticized in that excerpt in part 1. Breadchain convinces people looking to get involved in radical politics to give them a free loan, buy things using BREAD within the BREAD ecosystem, and participate in a capitalist governance model, then calls it radical praxis. Political education has always been at the heart of socialist organizing, but Breadchain's marketing copy is political disinformation.

screen shot https://breadchain.xyz/. It says $BREADchain; the currency of solidarity. Get $BREAD and use it anywhere - all while supporting a post-capitalist future. On the right there's an illustration of a sorta star wars looking future, with a woman wearing a stupid orange helmet and holding a plate of what appears to be food but i don't particularly find it appetizing. in the background, there's an impractal looking dome structure with seemingly pointless tech vibes, and a bunch of other people milling about. the entire image is tilted slightly and fit into the shape of sliced bread

Solidarity is something you do, not something you get. "Buying" BREAD, despite their marketing copy, doesn't bring you into solidarity with others who own BREAD, but just gives you the right to vote in fund allocations, and lets you buy things from people that you think are cool.

Breadchain could probably be improved at the edges, but these problems are innate to organizing on the blockchain. Its most important technical achievement, as Dávila explains, is the combination of its "permissionless nature" with Turing completeness. This means that you can write code and have it executed on the blockchain, as you would on any computer, except that the actual computation is being done on a bunch of computers that you don't trust, which also don't trust each other.3 I fully agree that this is an impressive feat, especially when you consider how much effort developers expend making sure that the right code, and only the right code, executes in the right places.

Because of this, every use of blockchain applications in socialist organizing has a non-blockchain alternative with more desirable institutional dynamics. We've already seen an example of this in the discussion of legibility and governance structure, but the problem is general. Blockchains can do any kind of computing without trust, but the core of socialist organizing is building trust between members. Organizing on and through the blockchain mediates the resulting social relations through inflexible, anonymous/pseudonymous technical systems. Blockchains can coordinate, but they can't build associations, meaning that you can, for example, vote on the blockchain, but you can't deliberate on it. The former is often the procedural aspect of democracy, but the latter is its substance. Dávila, then, has it exactly backwards: By building a blockchain system and recruiting people to it, he creates an organization whose relations are, by default, mediated through the blockchain. This is an atomizing process, not a unifying one. BREAD holders are consumers of commodified pseudo-solidarity engaged in perfectly ordinary capitalist activities, and there is nothing radical about it.

Towards the very beginning of his book, Dávila gives one use case for the blockchain that I find sound, and the comparison is enlightening:

It is exactly through this mechanism ["shadow banking," i.e. blockchain] that Wikileaks, Sci-Hub, sex workers in the US and those living in sanctioned countries can have basic financial rights...

Pre-existing organizations trying to circumvent government repression can and should use all means available to them, including crypto. To understand why that make sense, note the order of operations: Organizing comes first. If crypto were to disappear tomorrow, those organizations would still be around to figure it out. They are in this position because they have already survived attempts to shut down their finances. Their relationships are what makes them work, not their finances or their tech. Dávila argues that blockchain's rigid legibility is its advantage, but the illegible, flexible human relationships are the true power.

In part 1, I argued that Dávila's analysis is unsuited to a project of revolutionary theory, and here we see that come to fruition. I have written before about how human relationships, by their nature, are illegible to computers. As the tech industry increasingly mediates more and more human relationships, it also degrades them, changing them to suit the needs of computers. This is an alienating process, not a liberating one. Breadchain is more like Tinder than like a labor union or a socialist party. Like Tinder, it reproduces itself by capitalizing on the innate human desire to connect, in this case literally, but the resulting connections are simulacra, not true bonds of solidarity. Dávila argues that blockchain's affordances allow for new kinds of coordination at scales never before possible. This is true in the way that Tinder offers new kinds of dating, or in the same way that, as I've previously argued, hashtag activism and the associated spontaneous mass protests reproduce the undesirable institutional dynamics of social media.

Breadchain dooms its postcapitalist project by allowing its chosen technical infrastructure to dictate its organizational structure. It's a supposedly revolutionary organization, structured in the form most susceptible to capitalist intervention, capitalized by totally-not-donations from would-be activists, which redwashes perfectly ordinary capitalism. It offers solidarity as a commodity, an obvious absurdity that degrades the connections among would-be activists, and it is structured to leave its totally-not-donors holding the bag should the whole thing collapse. Despite how well meaning the people who made it might be, it is, structurally, a grift, to the surprise of absolutely no one who knows anything about crypto.

1. I often hear from old clients that they still use terminology that I came up with, years after it's no longer relevant, even when it didn't actually make much sense to begin with. For example, I once wrote some software for a company that sold medical tests. For the convenience of organizing their software, we invented the concept of a "kit." We just needed a name for the different bundles of medical tests and services that customers could buy. When I last checked, many years later, they still used the term "kit" internally. The CEO might ask, "how many kits did we sell last week?"

2. For more on this topic, see Malik and Malik's "Critical Technical Awakenings."

3. This has obvious implications for energy usage, which the book does discuss. Dávila explains proof of stake and proof of work, and how the former uses much less energy than the latter (though it still uses a lot). He then argues that, instead of banning blockchain because of its climate impact, it's precisely because of climate change that we need to embrace its ability to coordinate on a mass scale. There are other places to read about blockchain's energy usage, so I'm not going to get into it. His argument hinges on blockchain's potential to organize, which the rest of this post will address.