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The Luddite

An Anticapitalist Tech Blog

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To submit a guest post, send an email to guestpost@theluddite.org. Please include your name (pseudonyms are fine), a little blurb about yourself, and, if possible, a link to another site on the internet that isn't a major tech platform (anything from a portfolio to your favorite charity, partly for promotion, but also to encourage a decentralized web in which independent sites link to each other).

To submit a hall of shame entry, send an email to hallofshame@theluddite.org. Include a short description, why you hate it, your name (pseudonyms are fine), and, if possible, a link to another site on the internet that isn't a major tech platform (anything from a portfolio to your favorite charity, partly for promotion, but also to encourage a decentralized web in which independent sites link to each other).

For anything else, email me@theluddite.org.