Here are some links to other things we like, in no particular order (they're sorted randomly on page load). Have a suggestion? Email us at links@theluddite.org.
FAIR: "Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting." We occasionally dabble in media criticism, but FAIR has been doing it since 1986, and they don't miss.
Markologic: The author of our first fiction guest post also makes strange and wonderful music. We're particularly fond of this one.
Ran Prieur's blog: A very cool blog, often about technology, but also diverse in its interests. The FAQ has a delightful statement of their political values in "under 100 words": "In perfect existence, no self-discipline is necessary, because what needs to be done, and what we feel like doing, are one and the same. That's not realistic for humans, but we can approach utopia through the principle that the most fundamental freedom is the freedom to do nothing, [...]."
The Baffler: "America’s leading voice of interesting and unexpected left-wing political criticism, cultural analysis, short stories, poems, and art."
Blue Labrynths: "An online magazine focusing on philosophy, culture, and a collection of interesting ideas."
Zoe Bee: A teacher and a poet making videos about education, the internet, and more. We're particularly fond of her work on PragerU. She's the teacher that we needed, probably didn't deserve, and definitely didn't have.
Dummy: "unpacking my worries about our media systems - discussing tech, history, theory, and more."
Plutonics Journal: A Journal of Non-Standard Theory is an open-access, sporadically published journal of contemporary theory. Published under the auspices of Miskatonic Virtual University, Plutonics strives to publish cutting-edge theory (construed as broadly as possible) from a myriad of unique voices.
The Disorder Of Things: "For the Relentless Criticism of All Existing Conditions Since 2010."
Girls' Angle: "A math club for girls."
Monoskop: "a wiki for arts and studies." Lots of cool stuff about lots of topics, including permacomputing.
permacomputing.net: A wiki for permacomputing.
Permacomputing Aesthetics: Potential and Limits of Constraints in Computational Art, Design and Culture: A paper about permacomputing that cited The Luddite. Check us out on citation 57!
@Benimator: YouTube channel with animations as bleak as they are funny.
Backdrifting: Milo Trujillo's delightful blog. We spend a lot of time bashing people who use computers in ways that we don't like, but Milo uses them well.
Low-Tech Magazine: A website that prioritizes low-tech solutions to solve human problems. A wonderful and thoughtful interrogation into what technology is for, and a major inspiration for The Luddite. It turns out that human history is full of ingenious technologies.
Boy Boy: The YouTube channel that inspired and coined the term for our Cucksumerism post.
The Dangerous Speech Project: They "study dangerous speech and ways to counteract it."
Contrapoints: A YouTube channel that needs no introduction. If you don't know who Contrapoints is, just go watch now.
Cory Doctorow: If you read this site, there's a 0% chance you don't already know who this is.
Computational Story Lab: "A group of applied mathematicians working on large-scale, system-level problems in many fields including sociology, nonlinear dynamics, networks, ecology, and physics"
AI Weirdness: Janelle Shane's hilarious misadventures into Machine Learning.
On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs: A Work Rant: David Graeber's essay on the pointlessness of our modern jobs. Graeber is a major inspiration. Anything he wrote is worth reading.
The Propaganda Model: An excerpt from Chomsky and Herman's Manufacturing Consent, a book that, after its publication, should've permanently ended the New York Times, among others.
Democracy at Work: "Challenging capitalism with progressive, entertaining, and educational media." This is the project of, among others, Richard Wolff, a wonderful Marxian economist immortalized in this meme.